LSS Waste Management has filled its wastepaper bins for one final time – with the Leeds-based waste solutions provider going paperless.
LSS, which collects and recycles quarter of a million tonnes of both domestic and commercial building waste every year in Yorkshire, has upgraded the software package it uses to manage its 75 strong fleet of skip trucks and roll-on roll-off vehicles, plus bookings, deliveries and collections for the 2,000 plus skips it currently has in service.
The upgrade has seen LSS switch from the ISYS Gatehouse Skipman software package to ISYS’ Weighsoft 5 browser based software. The new package features both customer and supplier portals, plus numerous mobile applications, automated weighbridge interfaces, and links to on-board weighing. It also features modules that cater for various industry requirements, including tonnage charges, automatic waiting time charging and permit management.
Ian Grimes, LSS Waste Management’s general manager, said: “The new ISYS software really is the development we’ve been waiting for. It’s incredibly comprehensive, easy to use, and from a customer’s standpoint very intuitive. While from our viewpoint, the way the system gives live information means we have far greater transparency and control at all levels of our day-to-day operations.”
Established in 1979, ISYS Interactive Systems is one of the most established providers of management software solutions in the UK. Its products cover a range of industries, including waste management, aggregates, dairy and food service, mobile ticketing and vehicle tracking.
“We’ve only been using Weighsoft 5 for a matter of weeks, but it’s already saved us significant amounts time and money across all aspects of the business,” continued Ian. “Add to that the fact we are no longer creating our own waste through the use of so much paper and it really is a win-win situation for both LSS and the environment.”
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